Commit a06c9f55 authored by jiangqihao's avatar jiangqihao


parent e362e088
<div class="table-container">
<form-title :title="tableConfig.tableTitle">
<div v-if="isShowBtn">
......@@ -78,6 +78,10 @@ export default {
deleteUrl: {
type: String,
default: ''
isShowBtn: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
data() {
......@@ -89,7 +93,8 @@ export default {
selection: [],
dialogFormVisible: false,
dialogTitle: '',
loading: false
loading: false,
fenye: true
created() {
......@@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ export default {
const params = this.$translateToC4CData(data)
this.loading = true
fetchJAVATable(this.url, params).then(res => {
this.tableData = res.results || [] = Number(res.totalSize || 0)
this.loading = false
import dictionary from '@/api/dictionary'
import { releaseRecord, applicationRecord } from '@/api/customers'
const tableConfig = {
url: releaseRecord.searchUrl,
defaultColumns: {
minWidth: 120,
showOverflowTooltip: true,
align: 'center'
columns: {
ReleaseName: {
label: '发布名称',
type: 'input',
renderItem: (h, scope, listeners) => {
return h(
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleCheck(scope.row)
props: {
type: 'text'
showInSearch: true
ReleaseBatch: {
label: '发布批次',
type: 'input',
showInSearch: true
ReleaseContent: {
label: '发布内容',
type: 'select'
ReleaseStartTime: {
label: '发布开始时间',
showInSearch: true,
type: 'date'
ReleaseEndTime: {
label: '发布截止时间',
type: 'input'
PublicationResultTime: {
label: '公布结果时间',
type: 'input'
ApprovalEndTime: {
label: '审核截止时间',
type: 'input'
ApprovalStatus: {
label: '审批状态',
type: 'select',
value: 'ApprovalStatusText',
options: dictionary.approvalStatus
CreateName: {
label: '创建人',
type: 'input'
CreateOn: {
label: '创建时间',
type: 'input'
const listConfig = {
tableTitle: '客户资源清单',
url: releaseRecord.customerListUrl,
initialParams: {},
defaultColumns: {
minWidth: 120,
showOverflowTooltip: true,
align: 'center'
columns: {
AccountName: {
label: '客户',
type: 'input',
renderItem: (h, scope, listeners) => {
return h(
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleCheck(scope.row)
props: {
type: 'text'
showInSearch: true
handle: {
label: '操作',
hideInFilter: true,
fixed: 'right',
renderItem: (h, scope, listeners) => {
return h(
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleApply(scope.row)
class: 'el-icon-s-promotion',
props: {
type: 'text'
const applyDialogformConfig = {
title: '申请原因',
createUrl: applicationRecord.createUrl,
labelPosition: 'left',
submitBtnText: '确定',
span: 22,
formDesc: {
ApplicationReason: {
type: 'textarea',
label: '申请原因',
required: true,
layout: 24
const applicationRecordConfig = {
tableTitle: '申请记录',
url: applicationRecord.searchUrl,
initialParams: {},
defaultColumns: {
minWidth: 120,
showOverflowTooltip: true,
align: 'center'
columns: {
AccountName: {
label: '客户',
type: 'input',
renderItem: (h, scope, listeners) => {
return h(
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleCheck(scope.row)
props: {
type: 'text'
ApplicationPersonName: {
label: '申请人',
type: 'input'
ApplicationTime: {
label: '申请时间',
type: 'input'
ApplicationReason: {
label: '申请原因',
type: 'input'
export default {
<div class="app-container">
<div class="table-container">
<form-title :title="listConfig.tableTitle" />
<div class="table-container">
<form-title :title="applicationRecordConfig.tableTitle" />
<!-- 弹框部分 -->
import constant from './constant'
import tableMixin from '@/mixins/table'
export default {
mixins: [tableMixin],
data() {
return {
expandParams: {}, // 筛选条件
tableListeners: {}, // 事件监听对象,供ele-table内部调用
listConfig: {},
applicationRecordConfig: {},
applyLoading: false,
applyData: {},
applyDialogFormVisible: false,
applyDialogformConfig: constant.applyDialogformConfig
created() {
constant.listConfig.initialParams.parentObjectID = this.$route.query.objectID
this.listConfig = constant.listConfig
constant.applicationRecordConfig.initialParams.releaseRecordID = this.$route.query.objectID
this.applicationRecordConfig = constant.applicationRecordConfig
this.tableListeners = {
handleCheck: this.handleCheck,
handleApply: this.handleApply
methods: {
handleCheck(row) {
handleApply(row) {
this.applyData = {
AccountID: row.AccountID,
AccountName: row.AccountName,
releaseRecordID: row.ParentObjectID,
approvalStatus: '101'
this.applyDialogFormVisible = true
handleSave() {
this.applyLoading = true
const url = this.applyDialogformConfig.createUrl
const applyData = this.$translateToC4CData(this.applyData)
this.$request(url, [applyData]).then(res => {
this.applyLoading = false
this.applyDialogFormVisible = false
}).catch(() => {
this.applyLoading = false
<style lang="scss" scoped>
<div class="app-container">
<div class="table-container">
import constant from './constant'
import tableMixin from '@/mixins/table'
export default {
mixins: [tableMixin],
data() {
return {
expandParams: {}, // 筛选条件
tableListeners: {}, // 事件监听对象,供ele-table内部调用
tableConfig: constant.tableConfig
created() {
this.tableListeners = {
handleCheck: this.handleCheck
methods: {
handleSelectionChange(selection) {
this.selection = selection
handleCheck(row) {
path: '/customers/resource/application-detail',
query: {
objectID: row.ObjectID
<style lang="scss" scoped>
import dictionary from '@/api/dictionary'
import { releaseRecord, applicationRecord, approvalRecord } from '@/api/customers'
const tableConfig = {
url: releaseRecord.searchUrl,
defaultColumns: {
minWidth: 120,
showOverflowTooltip: true,
align: 'center'
columns: {
ReleaseName: {
label: '发布名称',
type: 'input',
renderItem: (h, scope, listeners) => {
return h(
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleCheck(scope.row)
props: {
type: 'text'
showInSearch: true
ReleaseBatch: {
label: '发布批次',
type: 'input',
showInSearch: true
ReleaseContent: {
label: '发布内容',
type: 'select'
ReleaseStartTime: {
label: '发布开始时间',
showInSearch: true,
type: 'date'
ReleaseEndTime: {
label: '发布截止时间',
type: 'input'
PublicationResultTime: {
label: '公布结果时间',
type: 'input'
ApprovalEndTime: {
label: '审核截止时间',
type: 'input'
ApprovalStatus: {
label: '审批状态',
type: 'select',
value: 'ApprovalStatusText',
options: dictionary.approvalStatus
CreateName: {
label: '创建人',
type: 'input'
CreateOn: {
label: '创建时间',
type: 'input'
const listConfig = {
tableTitle: '客户资源清单',
url: releaseRecord.customerListUrl,
initialParams: {},
defaultColumns: {
minWidth: 120,
showOverflowTooltip: true,
align: 'center'
columns: {
AccountName: {
label: '客户',
type: 'input',
renderItem: (h, scope, listeners) => {
return h(
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleCheck(scope.row)
props: {
type: 'text'
const applyDialogformConfig = {
title: '审批意见',
createUrl: approvalRecord.updateUrl,
labelPosition: 'left',
submitBtnText: '确定',
span: 22,
formDesc: {
ApplicationReason: {
type: 'textarea',
label: '申请原因',
required: true,
layout: 24
const applicationRecordConfig = {
tableTitle: '审批记录',
url: applicationRecord.searchUrl,
initialParams: {},
defaultColumns: {
minWidth: 120,
showOverflowTooltip: true,
align: 'center'
columns: {
AccountName: {
label: '客户',
type: 'input',
renderItem: (h, scope, listeners) => {
return h(
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleCheck(scope.row)
props: {
type: 'text'
ApplicationPersonName: {
label: '申请人',
type: 'input',
showInSearch: true
ApplicationTime: {
label: '申请时间',
type: 'input'
ApplicationReason: {
label: '申请原因',
type: 'input'
ApprovalPersonName: {
label: '审批人',
type: 'input'
ApprovalTime: {
label: '审批时间',
type: 'input'
ApprovalComments: {
label: '审批原因',
type: 'input'
handle: {
label: '操作',
hideInFilter: true,
fixed: 'right',
renderItem: (h, scope, listeners) => {
return h('div', {}, [
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleAddView(scope.row)
// class: 'el-icon-edit',
props: {
type: 'text'
scope.row.Ext_CustomerStatus_KUTText === '草稿' && h(
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handlePass(scope.row)
// class: 'el-icon-delete',
props: {
type: 'text'
export default {
<div class="app-container">
<div class="table-container">
<form-title :title="listConfig.tableTitle" />
<div class="table-container">
<form-title :title="applicationRecordConfig.tableTitle" />
<!-- 弹框部分 -->
import constant from './constant'
import tableMixin from '@/mixins/table'
export default {
mixins: [tableMixin],
data() {
return {
expandParams: {}, // 筛选条件
tableListeners: {}, // 事件监听对象,供ele-table内部调用
listConfig: {},
applicationRecordConfig: {},
applyLoading: false,
applyData: {},
applyDialogFormVisible: false,
applyDialogformConfig: constant.applyDialogformConfig
created() {
constant.listConfig.initialParams.parentObjectID = this.$route.query.objectID
this.listConfig = constant.listConfig
constant.applicationRecordConfig.initialParams.releaseRecordID = this.$route.query.objectID
this.applicationRecordConfig = constant.applicationRecordConfig
this.tableListeners = {
handleCheck: this.handleCheck,
handlePass: this.handlePass,
handleAddView: this.handleAddView
methods: {
handleCheck(row) {
handlePass(row) {
this.applyData = {
AccountID: row.AccountID,
AccountName: row.AccountName,
releaseRecordID: row.ParentObjectID,
approvalStatus: '101'
this.applyDialogFormVisible = true
handleAddView(row) {
handleSave() {
this.applyLoading = true
const url = this.applyDialogformConfig.createUrl
const applyData = this.$translateToC4CData(this.applyData)
this.$request(url, [applyData]).then(res => {
this.applyLoading = false
this.applyDialogFormVisible = false
}).catch(() => {
this.applyLoading = false
<style lang="scss" scoped>
<div class="app-container">
<div class="table-container">
import constant from './constant'
import tableMixin from '@/mixins/table'
export default {
mixins: [tableMixin],
data() {
return {
expandParams: {}, // 筛选条件
tableListeners: {}, // 事件监听对象,供ele-table内部调用
tableConfig: constant.tableConfig
created() {
this.tableListeners = {
handleCheck: this.handleCheck
methods: {
handleSelectionChange(selection) {
this.selection = selection
handleCheck(row) {
path: '/customers/resource/approval-detail',
query: {
objectID: row.ObjectID
<style lang="scss" scoped>
import { contact } from '@/api/customers'
import dictionary from '@/api/dictionary'
const tableConfig = {
url: contact.searchUrl,
defaultColumns: {
minWidth: 120,
showOverflowTooltip: true,
align: 'center'
columns: {
ContactID: {
label: '联系人编码',
type: 'input',
showInSearch: true
LastName: {
label: '联系人名称',
type: 'input',
showInSearch: true
AccountFormattedName: {
label: '客户名称'
Ext_CustomerPhone_KUT: {
label: '手机1'
Ext_CustomerMobile_KUT: {
label: '手机2'
Ext_CustomerLandline_KUT: {
label: '座机'
Ext_CustomerRole_KUT: {
label: '角色',
value: 'Ext_CustomerRole_KUTText'
JobTitle: {
label: '职位',
type: 'input',
showInSearch: true
Email: {
label: '电子邮箱'
Ext_CustomerWeChat_KUT: {
label: '微信'
Ext_CustomerQQ_KUT: {
label: 'QQ'
Ext_CustomerAddress_KUT: {
label: '详细地址'
Ext_CustomerCreateBy_KUT: {
label: '创建人'
handle: {
label: '操作',
hideInFilter: true,
fixed: 'right',
renderItem: (h, scope, listeners) => {
return h(
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleEdit(scope.row, scope.$index)
props: {
type: 'text'
const formConfig = {
labelPosition: 'left',
submitBtnText: '保存',
formDesc: {
LastName: {
type: 'input',
label: '联系人名称',
layout: 12
AccountFormattedName: {
type: 'lov',
label: '客户名称',
code: 'customer',
returnFn: function(row) {
return {
AccountID: row.AccountID,
AccountUUID: row.AccountUUID,
AccountFormattedName: row.Name
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerPhone_KUT: {
label: '手机1',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerMobile_KUT: {
label: '手机2',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerLandline_KUT: {
label: '座机',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerRole_KUT: {
type: 'select',
label: '角色',
isOptions: true,
options: dictionary.contactRole,
layout: 12
JobTitle: {
label: '职位',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
Email: {
label: '电子邮箱',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerWeChat_KUT: {
label: '微信',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerQQ_KUT: {
label: 'QQ',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerAddress_KUT: {
label: '详细地址',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
export default {
<div class="app-container">
<div class="table-container">
<template v-slot:left>
<!-- 弹框部分 -->
import constant from './constant'
import tableMixin from '@/mixins/table'
import { contact } from '@/api/customers'
export default {
mixins: [tableMixin],
data() {
return {
expandParams: {}, // 筛选条件
tableListeners: {}, // 事件监听对象,供ele-table内部调用
tableConfig: constant.tableConfig,
selection: [],
loading: false,
diglogVisble: false,
title: '',
diglogFormData: {},
formConfig: constant.formConfig
created() {
this.tableListeners = {
handleCheck: this.handleCheck,
handleEdit: this.handleEdit
methods: {
handleCheck(row) {
path: '/customers/resource/detail',
query: {
objectID: row.ObjectID
handleSelectionChange(selection) {
this.selection = selection
handleClearSelection() {
this.selection = []
handleDelete() {
if (this.selection.length === 0) {
handleShowDialog() {
this.title = '新建联系人'
this.diglogFormData = {}
this.diglogVisble = true
handleEdit(row) {
this.title = '编辑联系人'
this.diglogFormData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(row))
this.diglogVisble = true
handleSave() {
this.loading = true
var data = this.$translateToC4CData(this.releaseData)
if (data.objectID) {
this.$request(contact.updateUrl, [data]).then(res => {
this.loading = false
this.dialogVisble = false
}).catch(() => {
this.loading = false
} else {
this.$request(contact.createUrl, [data]).then(res => {
this.loading = false
this.dialogVisble = false
}).catch(() => {
this.loading = false
<style lang="scss" scoped>
<BusinessTable v-bind="constant"/>
<BusinessTable v-bind="constant" :isShowBtn="isShowBtn"/>
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ export default {
data() {
return {
constant: {},
isShowBtn: false,
watch: {
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
<CustomerAddress :objectID='objectID' v-if="showAdress"/>
<PersonalInFo :addBtnStart='addBtnStart' :dedeleBtnStart="dedeleBtnStart" :type-code="typeCode" :searchUrl="searchUrl"/>
<PersonalInFo :addBtnStart='addBtnStart' :dedeleBtnStart="dedeleBtnStart" :type-code="typeCode" :searchUrl="searchUrl" :isShowEditBtn='isShowEditBtn'/>
......@@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ export default {
dedeleBtnStart: true,
objectID: '',
showAdress: false,
addBtnStart: true,
formData: {},
isShowSubmitBtn: false,
isShowBackBtn: false,
isShowEditBtn: true,
sections: [
title: '基本信息',
......@@ -200,7 +200,8 @@ export default {
type: 'input',
layout: 12,
label: 'Unis业务负责人姓名',
disabled: true
disabled: true,
break: true,
ExtUnisPhone_SDK: {
type: 'input',
......@@ -219,6 +220,7 @@ export default {
layout: 12,
label: '商务负责人姓名',
disabled: true,
break: true,
ExtBusinessPhone_SDK: {
type: 'input',
......@@ -257,29 +259,29 @@ export default {
// },
// }
// },
// {
// title: "合作日期",
// formDesc: {
// ExtStartDate_SDK: {
// type: 'input',
// label: '初始合作开始时间',
// layout: 12,
// disabled: true
// },
// // ExtAuthenticationDate_SDK: {
// // type: 'input',
// // label: '高级认证日期',
// // layout: 12,
// // disabled: true
// // },
// ExtEndDate_SDK: {
title: "合作日期",
formDesc: {
ExtStartDate_SDK: {
type: 'input',
label: '初始合作开始时间',
layout: 12,
disabled: true
// ExtAuthenticationDate_SDK: {
// type: 'input',
// label: '合作终止日期',
// label: '高级认证日期',
// layout: 12,
// disabled: true
// },
// }
// }
ExtEndDate_SDK: {
type: 'input',
label: '合作终止日期',
layout: 12,
disabled: true
rules: {}
......@@ -316,6 +318,29 @@ export default {
return formData;
async getOneData() {
const showTime = {
title: "合作日期",
formDesc: {
ExtStartDate_SDK: {
type: 'input',
label: '初始合作开始时间',
layout: 12,
disabled: true
ExtAuthenticationDate_SDK: {
type: 'input',
label: '高级认证日期',
layout: 12,
disabled: true
ExtEndDate_SDK: {
type: 'input',
label: '合作终止日期',
layout: 12,
disabled: true
this.loading = true
// this.objectId = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('USERINFO')).ExtCustomerObjectID_SDK
if (JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('USERINFO')).ExtCustomerObjectID_SDK !== '') {
......@@ -366,7 +391,30 @@ export default {
this.sections.splice(2, 1, show)
const subscription = {
title: "签约信息",
formDesc: {
ExtChannelType_SDKText: {
type: 'input',
label: '签约渠道类型',
layout: 12,
disabled: true,
ExtLockRspName_SDK: {
type: 'input',
label: '锁定RSP',
layout: 12,
disabled: true
ExtLockCityName_SDK: {
type: 'input',
label: '城市覆盖范围',
layout: 12,
disabled: true
this.sections.splice(2, 2, show,subscription,showTime)
} else if (res.results[0].ExtCustomerType_SDK === '101') {
const show = {
title: "签约信息",
......@@ -389,10 +437,18 @@ export default {
layout: 12,
disabled: true
ExtLockCityName_SDK: {
type: 'input',
label: '城市覆盖范围',
layout: 12,
disabled: true
this.isShowEditBtn = false
} else {
this.isShowEditBtn = false
this.showAdress = true
this.formData = res.results[0]
import { customer } from '@/api/customers'
import dictionary from '@/api/dictionary'
const tableConfig = {
url: customer.searchUrl,
initialParams: {
roleCode: 'CRM000'
defaultColumns: {
minWidth: 120,
showOverflowTooltip: true,
align: 'center'
columns: {
Name: {
label: '客户名称',
type: 'input',
renderItem: (h, scope, listeners) => {
return h(
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleCheck(scope.row)
props: {
type: 'text'
showInSearch: true
Ext_CustomerType_KUT: {
label: '客户类型',
type: 'select',
value: 'Ext_CustomerType_KUTText',
showInSearch: true,
options: dictionary.customerType
Ext_CustomerStatus_KUT: {
label: '客户状态',
type: 'select',
value: 'Ext_CustomerStatus_KUTText',
showInSearch: true,
options: dictionary.customerStatus
Namexxs: {
label: '所属代理商',
type: 'input'
Ext_CustomerMainContactName_KUT: {
label: '联系人',
type: 'input'
Ext_CustomerMainContactPhone_KUT: {
label: '手机号码',
type: 'input'
Ext_CustomerFollowUpDate_KUT: {
label: '最后跟进',
type: 'input'
handle: {
label: '操作',
hideInFilter: true,
fixed: 'right',
renderItem: (h, scope, listeners) => {
return h('div', {}, [
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleEdit(scope.row)
class: 'el-icon-edit',
props: {
type: 'text'
scope.row.Ext_CustomerStatus_KUTText === '草稿' && h(
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleDelete(scope.row)
class: 'el-icon-delete',
props: {
type: 'text'
const formConfig = {
formDesc: {
code: {
type: 'input',
label: '集团代码',
disabled: true,
required: true
name: {
type: 'input',
label: '集团名称',
required: true
coreEnterprise: {
type: 'select',
label: '是否核心企业',
isOptions: true,
options: [
text: '是',
value: 1
text: '否',
value: 0
rules: {
// name: [{ required: true, message: '请输入集团名称', trigger: 'blur' }],
// code: [{ required: true, message: '请输入集团代码', trigger: 'blur' }]
// 注销客户弹框配置
const CancellationFormConfig = {
title: '注销原因',
createUrl: customer.updateUrl,
labelPosition: 'left',
submitBtnText: '确定',
span: 22,
formDesc: {
Ext_CustomerStatus_KUT: {
type: 'input',
label: '客户状态',
default: '131',
vif: false,
layout: 24
Ext_CustomerCancellationReasons_KUT: {
type: 'textarea',
label: '注销原因',
layout: 24
// 激活客户弹框配置
const ActivationFormConfig = {
title: '激活原因',
createUrl: customer.updateUrl,
labelPosition: 'left',
submitBtnText: '确定',
span: 22,
formDesc: {
Ext_CustomerStatus_KUT: {
type: 'input',
label: '客户状态',
default: '111',
vif: false,
layout: 24
Ext_CustomerActivationReasons_KUT: {
type: 'textarea',
label: '激活原因',
layout: 24
// 冻结客户弹框配置
const frozenFormConfig = {
title: '冻结原因',
createUrl: customer.updateUrl,
labelPosition: 'left',
submitBtnText: '确定',
span: 22,
formDesc: {
Ext_CustomerStatus_KUT: {
type: 'input',
label: '客户状态',
default: '121',
vif: false,
layout: 24
Ext_CustomerFrozenReasons_KUT: {
type: 'textarea',
label: '冻结原因',
layout: 24
// 解冻客户弹框配置
const thawFormConfig = {
title: '解冻原因',
createUrl: customer.updateUrl,
labelPosition: 'left',
submitBtnText: '确定',
span: 22,
formDesc: {
Ext_CustomerStatus_KUT: {
type: 'input',
label: '客户状态',
default: '111',
vif: false,
layout: 24
Ext_CustomerThawReasons_KUT: {
type: 'textarea',
label: '解冻原因',
layout: 24
// 移入资源池弹框配置
const ResourcePoolFormConfig = {
title: '移入资源池',
createUrl: customer.toPoolUrl,
labelPosition: 'left',
submitBtnText: '确定',
span: 22,
formDesc: {
Ext_CustomerActivationReasons_KUT: {
type: 'textarea',
label: '移入资源池原因',
layout: 24
export default {
<div class="app-container">
<div class="table-container">
<template v-slot:left>
<!-- 弹框部分 -->
import constant from './constant'
import tableMixin from '@/mixins/table'
import { customer } from '@/api/customers'
import supervise from '../important-customers/components/record-info/components/supervise/constant'
export default {
mixins: [tableMixin],
data() {
return {
expandParams: {}, // 筛选条件
tableListeners: {}, // 事件监听对象,供ele-table内部调用
tableConfig: constant.tableConfig,
keyCustomerUrl: '/customers/important',
keyCustomerDetailUrl: '/customers/important-detail',
selection: [],
config: {
dialogTitle: '',
dialogFormVisible: false,
formData: {},
formConfig: {
formDesc: {}
loading: false
created() {
this.tableListeners = {
handleCheck: this.handleCheck,
handleEdit: this.handleEdit,
handleDelete: this.handleDelete
methods: {
handleAdd() {
path: this.keyCustomerUrl
handleCheck(row) {
path: this.keyCustomerDetailUrl,
query: {
objectID: row.ObjectID
handleEdit(row) {
path: this.keyCustomerUrl,
query: {
objectID: row.ObjectID
handleSelectionChange(selection) {
this.selection = selection
handleAddTask(constant) {
if (this.selection.length === 0) {
this.dialogTitle = '添加' + constant.tableConfig.tableTitle
this.postUrl = constant.createUrl
this.formData = {
accountID: this.selection[0].ObjectID
this.formConfig = constant.formConfig
this.dialogFormVisible = true
handleSave(data) {
this.loading = true
data = this.$translateToC4CData(data)
this.$request(this.postUrl, [data]).then(res => {
this.loading = false
this.dialogFormVisible = false
}).catch(() => {
this.loading = false
handleDelete(row) {
this.$confirm('此操作将删除该客户, 是否继续?', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
type: 'warning'
}).then(() => {
const data = {
objectID: row.ObjectID,
ext_CustomerStatus_KUT: '191'
this.$request(customer.updateUrl, data).then(res => {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
import { releaseRecord } from '@/api/customers'
import dictionary from '@/api/dictionary'
const tableConfig = {
url: releaseRecord.searchUrl,
defaultColumns: {
minWidth: 120,
showOverflowTooltip: true,
align: 'center'
columns: {
ReleaseName: {
label: '发布名称',
type: 'input',
renderItem: (h, scope, listeners) => {
return h(
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleCheck(scope.row)
props: {
type: 'text'
showInSearch: true
ReleaseBatch: {
label: '发布批次',
type: 'input',
showInSearch: true
ReleaseContent: {
label: '发布内容',
type: 'select'
ReleaseStartTime: {
label: '发布开始时间',
showInSearch: true,
type: 'date'
ReleaseEndTime: {
label: '发布截止时间',
type: 'input'
PublicationResultTime: {
label: '公布结果时间',
type: 'input'
ApprovalEndTime: {
label: '审核截止时间',
type: 'input'
ApprovalStatus: {
label: '审批状态',
type: 'select',
value: 'ApprovalStatusText',
options: dictionary.approvalStatus
CreateName: {
label: '创建人',
type: 'input'
CreateOn: {
label: '创建时间',
type: 'input'
const listConfig = {
tableTitle: '客户资源清单',
url: releaseRecord.customerListUrl,
initialParams: {},
defaultColumns: {
minWidth: 120,
showOverflowTooltip: true,
align: 'center'
columns: {
AccountName: {
label: '客户',
type: 'input',
renderItem: (h, scope, listeners) => {
return h(
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleCheck(scope.row)
props: {
type: 'text'
showInSearch: true
const formConfig = {
formDesc: {
code: {
type: 'input',
label: '集团代码',
disabled: true,
required: true
name: {
type: 'input',
label: '集团名称',
required: true
coreEnterprise: {
type: 'select',
label: '是否核心企业',
isOptions: true,
options: [
text: '是',
value: 1
text: '否',
value: 0
rules: {
// name: [{ required: true, message: '请输入集团名称', trigger: 'blur' }],
// code: [{ required: true, message: '请输入集团代码', trigger: 'blur' }]
export default {
<div class="app-container">
<div class="table-container">
<form-title :title="listConfig.tableTitle" />
import constant from './constant'
import tableMixin from '@/mixins/table'
export default {
mixins: [tableMixin],
data() {
return {
expandParams: {}, // 筛选条件
tableListeners: {}, // 事件监听对象,供ele-table内部调用
listConfig: {},
applicationRecordConfig: {},
applyLoading: false,
applyData: {},
applyDialogFormVisible: false,
applyDialogformConfig: constant.applyDialogformConfig
created() {
constant.listConfig.initialParams.parentObjectID = this.$route.query.objectID
this.listConfig = constant.listConfig
methods: {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
<div class="app-container">
<div class="table-container">
<template v-slot:left>
import constant from './constant'
import tableMixin from '@/mixins/table'
import { releaseRecord } from '@/api/customers'
export default {
mixins: [tableMixin],
data() {
return {
expandParams: {}, // 筛选条件
tableListeners: {}, // 事件监听对象,供ele-table内部调用
tableConfig: constant.tableConfig
created() {
this.tableListeners = {
handleCheck: this.handleCheck
methods: {
handleSelectionChange(selection) {
this.selection = selection
handleChangeStatus(status) {
const msg = status === '111' ? '通过' : '拒绝'
this.$confirm(`确定该批次申请全部${msg}吗`, '提示', {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: '取消'
}).then(() => {
var selection = => {
return {
objectID: item.ObjectID,
approvalStatus: status
this.$request(releaseRecord.updateUrl, selection).then(res => {
handleCheck(row) {
path: '/customers/resource/release-detail',
query: {
objectID: row.ObjectID
<style lang="scss" scoped>
import { address } from '@/api/customers'
import dictionary from '@/api/dictionary'
const tableConfig = {
tableTitle: '地址信息',
url: address.searchUrl,
defaultColumns: {
minWidth: 120,
showOverflowTooltip: true,
align: 'center'
columns: {
Ext_CustomerAddressType_KUT: {
label: '地址类型'
CountryCode: {
label: '国别',
value: 'CountryCodeText'
StateCode: {
label: '省份',
value: 'StateCodeText'
City: {
label: '城市'
Street: {
label: '区/县'
HouseNumber: {
label: '详细地址'
SalesArea: {
label: '邮编'
Ext_CustomerIsDefault_KUT: {
label: '是否默认'
Ext_CustomerAddressNote_KUT: {
label: '备注'
handle: {
label: '操作',
hideInFilter: true,
fixed: 'right',
renderItem: (h, scope, listeners) => {
return h(
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleEdit(scope.row, scope.$index)
props: {
type: 'text'
const formConfig = {
labelPosition: 'left',
submitBtnText: '保存',
formDesc: {
Ext_CustomerAddressType_KUT: {
type: 'select',
label: '地址类型',
isOptions: true,
options: dictionary.customerAddressType,
layout: 12
CountryCode: {
type: 'select',
label: '国别',
isOptions: true,
options: [
text: '选项1',
value: 1
text: '选项2',
value: 2
text: '选项3',
value: 3
layout: 12
StateCode: {
label: '省份',
type: 'select',
value: 'Ext_CustomerStatus_KUTText',
layout: 12
City: {
label: '城市',
type: 'select',
layout: 12
Street: {
label: '区/县',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
HouseNumber: {
label: '详细地址',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
SalesArea: {
label: '邮编',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerIsDefault_KUT: {
label: '是否默认',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerAddressNote_KUT: {
label: '备注',
type: 'date',
attrs: {
type: 'year'
layout: 12
export default {
<Title :title="title" />
<AddressTable />
<div class="submit-btn">
import Title from '@/components/Title'
import AddressTable from './table.vue'
import constant from './constant'
const tableTitle = constant.tableConfig.tableTitle
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
title: '创建企业客户-' + tableTitle
methods: {
handlePrev() {
this.$emit('changeComponent', 'projectInfo')
handleNext() {
this.$emit('changeComponent', 'contactsInfo')
<style lang="scss" scoped>
<BusinessTable v-bind="constant" />
import constant from './constant'
export default {
data() {
return {
constant: {}
created() {
// 设置表单的初始搜索条件,该条件一般不会发生改变
constant.tableConfig.initialParams = {
objectID: this.$route.query.objectID
this.constant = constant
import { customer } from '@/api/customers'
// 潜在客户主列表配置
const tableConfig = {
url: customer.searchUrl,
defaultColumns: {
minWidth: 120,
showOverflowTooltip: true,
align: 'center'
columns: {
Name: {
label: '审批类型'
Ext_CustomerType_KUT: {
label: '审批人'
Ext_CustomerStatus_KUT: {
label: '审批职位'
Namexxx: {
label: '审批状态'
Mobile: {
label: '审批意见'
Ext_CustomerFollowUpDate_KUT: {
label: '审批时间'
handle: {
label: '操作',
hideInFilter: true,
fixed: 'right',
renderItem: (h, scope, listeners) => {
return h('div', {}, [
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleEdit(scope.row)
class: 'el-icon-edit',
props: {
type: 'text'
scope.row.Ext_CustomerStatus_KUT === '101' && h(
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleDelete(scope.row)
class: 'el-icon-delete',
props: {
type: 'text'
export default {
<BusinessTable v-bind="constant" />
import constant from './constant'
export default {
data() {
return {
constant: {}
created() {
// 设置表单的初始搜索条件,该条件一般不会发生改变
constant.tableConfig.initialParams = {
objectID: this.$route.query.objectID
this.constant = constant
import dictionary from '@/api/dictionary'
const formConfig = {
labelPosition: 'left',
isShowBackBtn: false,
isShowSubmitBtn: true,
rules: {
// Name: {
// trigger: 'blur',
// validator: function(rule, value, callback) {
// if (this.formData.Ext_CustomerIsRepeatability_KUT === true) {
// return callback(new Error('客户名称重复'))
// } else {
// return callback()
// }
// }
// }
formDesc: {
Name: {
type: 'input',
label: '客户名称',
layout: 12,
required: true
Ext_CustomerSocialUnifiedCreditCode_KUT: {
type: 'input',
label: '社会统一信用代码',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerIsRepeatability_KUT: {
type: 'radio',
label: '进行重复性校验',
isOptions: true,
options: [
text: '是',
value: true
text: '否',
value: false
layout: 12,
default: true
key_btn: {
type: 'button',
default: '重复性校验',
layout: 12,
attrs: {
type: 'primary'
Ext_CustomerEnglishName_KUT: {
type: 'input',
label: '英文名称',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerType_KUT: {
type: 'select',
label: '客户类型',
isOptions: true,
options: [
text: '直销客户',
value: '101'
text: '代理商客户',
value: '111'
layout: 12
CountryCode: {
type: 'select',
label: '客户国别',
isOptions: true,
options: dictionary.countryCode,
attrs: {
filterable: true
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerContinent_KUT: {
type: 'select',
label: '所在大洲',
isOptions: true,
options: dictionary.customerContinent,
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerStatus_KUT: {
type: 'select',
label: '客户状态',
isOptions: true,
disabled: true,
default: '101',
options: dictionary.customerStatus,
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerAccountManagerID_KUT: {
type: 'select',
label: '客户经理',
isOptions: true,
options: [
text: '选项1',
value: 1
text: '选项2',
value: 2
text: '选项3',
value: 3
layout: 12
ParentAccountID: {
type: 'select',
label: '上级客户',
isOptions: true,
options: [
text: '选项1',
value: 1
text: '选项2',
value: 2
text: '选项3',
value: 3
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerAgentPMID_KUT: {
type: 'select',
label: '代理商',
isOptions: true,
options: [
text: '选项1',
value: 1
text: '选项2',
value: 2
text: '选项3',
value: 3
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerIsRepeatability_KU111: {
type: 'radio',
label: '重要客户',
isOptions: true,
options: [
text: '是',
value: true
text: '否',
value: false
layout: 12,
default: true
Ext_CustomerFilingInstructions_KUT: {
type: 'textarea',
label: '报备说明',
attrs: {
autosizeType: 'switch',
autosize: false,
rows: 3
Ext_CustomerNote_KUT: {
type: 'textarea',
label: '备注信息',
attrs: {
autosizeType: 'switch',
autosize: false,
rows: 3
export default {
<Title :title="title">
<div class="form-container">
<form-title :title="formTitle" />
<template v-slot:key_btn="{ desc, data, field, formData }">
<template v-slot:form-btn>
import Title from '@/components/Title'
import constant from './constant.js'
import { addPotentialCustomer, updatePotentialCustomer } from '@/api/customers'
export default {
name: 'EnterpriseCustomersBaseInfo',
components: {
props: {
formData: {
type: Object,
default: () => { }
data() {
return {
title: '创建正式客户-基础信息',
formTitle: '基础信息',
loading: false,
formConfig: constant.formConfig
watch: {
formData(val) {
this.originData = JSON.stringify(val)
created() {
this.$emit('changeTitle', this.title)
methods: {
async handleSubmit() {
await this.$refs.form.validate()
this.loading = true
if (this.$route.query.objectID) {
if (JSON.stringify(this.formData) !== this.originData) {
} else {
this.loading = false
} else {
handleAdd() {
const formData = this.$translateToC4CData(this.formData)
// 正式客户roleCode默认是'BUP002'
formData.roleCode = 'CRM000'
delete formData.key_btn
// 新建接口是基于批量新增设计的,所以要用数组包裹formData传值
addPotentialCustomer([formData]).then(res => {
this.loading = false
const objectID = res.results[0]
path: '/customers/important',
query: { objectID }
handleEdit() {
const formData = this.$translateToC4CData(this.formData)
updatePotentialCustomer(formData).then(res => {
this.loading = false
handleCheckRepeat(data) {
handleNext() {
this.originData = JSON.stringify(this.formData)
this.$emit('changeComponent', 'industryInfo')
import dictionary from '@/api/dictionary'
import { billing } from '@/api/customers'
// import { fetchFirstLevelClassification, fetchSecondLevelClassification, fetchThirdLevelClassification } from '@/api/customers'
const tableConfig = {
tableTitle: '开票信息',
url: billing.searchUrl,
defaultColumns: {
minWidth: 120,
showOverflowTooltip: true,
align: 'center'
columns: {
BillingType: {
label: '开票类型'
CompanyName: {
label: '单位'
DetailedAddress: {
label: '地址'
TaxpayerIdentificationNumber: {
label: '纳税人识别号'
DepositBank: {
label: '开户行'
BankNumber: {
label: '账号'
Phone: {
label: '电话'
TradeName: {
label: '商品名称'
Unit: {
label: '单位'
Currency: {
label: '货币'
TaxRate: {
label: '税率'
IsDefault: {
label: '是否默认'
Note: {
label: '备注'
handle: {
label: '操作',
hideInFilter: true,
fixed: 'right',
renderItem: (h, scope, listeners) => {
return h(
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleEdit(scope.row, scope.$index)
props: {
type: 'text'
const formConfig = {
labelPosition: 'left',
submitBtnText: '保存',
formDesc: {
BillingType: {
type: 'select',
label: '开票类型',
isOptions: true,
options: dictionary.BillingType,
required: true,
layout: 12
CompanyName: {
type: 'input',
label: '公司名称',
layout: 12
DetailedAddress: {
label: '地址',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
TaxpayerIdentificationNumber: {
label: '纳税人识别号',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
DepositBank: {
label: '开户行',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
BankNumber: {
label: '账号',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
Phone: {
label: '电话',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
TradeName: {
label: '商品名称',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
Unit: {
label: '单位',
type: 'select',
isOptions: true,
options: dictionary.Unit,
layout: 12
Currency: {
label: '货币',
type: 'select',
isOptions: true,
options: dictionary.Currency,
layout: 12
TaxRate: {
label: '税率',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
IsDefault: {
label: '是否默认',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
Note: {
label: '备注',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
export default {
<BusinessTable v-bind="constant" />
import constant from './constant'
export default {
data() {
return {
constant: {}
created() {
// 设置表单的初始搜索条件,该条件一般不会发生改变
constant.tableConfig.initialParams = {
objectID: this.$route.query.objectID
this.constant = constant
<Title :title="title" />
<TabsTable />
<div class="submit-btn">
import Title from '@/components/Title'
import TabsTable from './table.vue'
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
title: '创建个人客户-项目信息'
methods: {
handlePrev() {
this.$emit('changeComponent', 'contactsInfo')
handleNext() {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
import { project, fetchFirstLevelClassification, fetchSecondLevelClassification, fetchThirdLevelClassification } from '@/api/customers'
import dictionary from '@/api/dictionary'
const tableConfig = {
tableTitle: '生产型项目',
url: project.searchUrl,
defaultColumns: {
minWidth: 120,
showOverflowTooltip: true,
align: 'center'
columns: {
ProjectType: {
label: '项目类型'
levelOneClassification: {
label: '一级分类'
levelTwoClassification: {
label: '二级分类'
levelThreeClassification: {
label: '三级分类'
TerminalProducts: {
label: '终端产品'
ProductsType: {
label: '产品型号'
PCS: {
label: '年用量预估(PCS)'
ProductIntroduction: {
label: '项目介绍'
ExpectStartTime: {
label: '预计启动时间'
ExpectCompletionTime: {
label: '预计完成时间'
OriginalProductsCompanyOne: {
label: '原用产品公司1'
OriginalProductsTypeOne: {
label: '原用产品型号1'
OriginalProductsCompanyTwo: {
label: '原用产品公司2'
OriginalProductsTypeTwo: {
label: '原用产品型号2'
OriginalProductsCompanyThree: {
label: '原用产品公司3'
OriginalProductsTypeThree: {
label: '原用产品型号3'
MainlyRepresentCustomers: {
label: '主要代表客户'
Note: {
label: '备注'
handle: {
label: '操作',
hideInFilter: true,
fixed: 'right',
renderItem: (h, scope, listeners) => {
return h(
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleEdit(scope.row, scope.$index)
props: {
type: 'text'
const formConfig = {
labelPosition: 'left',
submitBtnText: '保存',
formDesc: {
ProjectType: {
type: 'select',
label: '项目类型',
isOptions: true,
options: dictionary.customerProjectType,
layout: 12
levelOneClassification: {
type: 'select',
label: '一级分类',
isOptions: true,
options: async data => {
const res = await fetchFirstLevelClassification()
var result = => {
return {
text: item.LevelOneClassificationName,
value: item.LevelOneClassificationID
return result
layout: 12
levelTwoClassification: {
type: 'select',
label: '二级分类',
isOptions: true,
optionsLinkageFields: ['levelOneClassification'],
options: async data => {
if (!data.levelOneClassification) {
return []
const res = await fetchSecondLevelClassification({
levelOneClassificationID: data.levelOneClassification
var result = => {
return {
text: item.LevelTwoClassificationName,
value: item.LevelTwoClassificationID
return result
layout: 12
levelThreeClassification: {
type: 'select',
label: '三级分类',
isOptions: true,
optionsLinkageFields: ['levelOneClassification', 'levelTwoClassification'],
options: async data => {
if (!data.levelTwoClassification) {
return []
const res = await fetchThirdLevelClassification({
levelTwoClassificationID: data.levelTwoClassification
var result = => {
return {
text: item.LevelThreeClassificationName,
value: item.LevelThreeClassificationID
return result
layout: 12
TerminalProducts: {
label: '终端产品',
type: 'select',
layout: 12
ProductsType: {
label: '产品型号',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
PCS: {
label: '年用量预估(PCS)',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
ProductIntroduction: {
label: '项目介绍',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
ExpectStartTime: {
label: '预计启动时间',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
ExpectCompletionTime: {
label: '预计完成时间',
type: 'date',
attrs: {
type: 'year'
layout: 12
OriginalProductsCompanyOne: {
label: '原用产品公司1',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
OriginalProductsTypeOne: {
label: '原用产品型号1',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
OriginalProductsCompanyTwo: {
label: '原用产品公司2',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
OriginalProductsTypeTwo: {
label: '原用产品型号2',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
OriginalProductsCompanyThree: {
label: '原用产品公司3',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
OriginalProductsTypeThree: {
label: '原用产品型号3',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
MainlyRepresentCustomers: {
label: '主要代表客户',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
Note: {
label: '备注',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
export default {
<BusinessTable v-bind="constant" />
<BusinessTable v-bind="constant" />
<BusinessTable v-bind="constant" />
<BusinessTable v-bind="constant" />
import constant from './constant'
export default {
data() {
return {
constant: {}
created() {
// 设置表单的初始搜索条件,该条件一般不会发生改变
constant.tableConfig.initialParams = {
objectID: this.$route.query.objectID,
projectType: '111'
this.constant = constant
import { project, fetchFirstLevelClassification, fetchSecondLevelClassification, fetchThirdLevelClassification } from '@/api/customers'
import dictionary from '@/api/dictionary'
const tableConfig = {
tableTitle: '研究型项目',
url: project.searchUrl,
defaultColumns: {
minWidth: 120,
showOverflowTooltip: true,
align: 'center'
columns: {
ProjectType: {
label: '项目类型'
levelOneClassification: {
label: '一级分类'
levelTwoClassification: {
label: '二级分类'
levelThreeClassification: {
label: '三级分类'
TerminalProducts: {
label: '终端产品'
ProductsType: {
label: '产品型号'
PCS: {
label: '年用量预估(PCS)'
ProductIntroduction: {
label: '项目介绍'
ExpectStartTime: {
label: '预计启动时间'
ExpectCompletionTime: {
label: '预计完成时间'
Note: {
label: '备注'
handle: {
label: '操作',
hideInFilter: true,
fixed: 'right',
renderItem: (h, scope, listeners) => {
return h(
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleEdit(scope.row, scope.$index)
props: {
type: 'text'
const formConfig = {
labelPosition: 'left',
submitBtnText: '保存',
formDesc: {
ProjectType: {
type: 'select',
label: '项目类型',
isOptions: true,
options: dictionary.customerProjectType,
layout: 12
levelOneClassification: {
type: 'select',
label: '一级分类',
isOptions: true,
options: async data => {
const res = await fetchFirstLevelClassification()
var result = => {
return {
text: item.LevelOneClassificationName,
value: item.LevelOneClassificationID
return result
layout: 12
levelTwoClassification: {
type: 'select',
label: '二级分类',
isOptions: true,
optionsLinkageFields: ['levelOneClassification'],
options: async data => {
if (!data.levelOneClassification) {
return []
const res = await fetchSecondLevelClassification({
levelOneClassificationID: data.levelOneClassification
var result = => {
return {
text: item.LevelTwoClassificationName,
value: item.LevelTwoClassificationID
return result
layout: 12
levelThreeClassification: {
type: 'select',
label: '三级分类',
isOptions: true,
optionsLinkageFields: ['levelOneClassification', 'levelTwoClassification'],
options: async data => {
if (!data.levelTwoClassification) {
return []
const res = await fetchThirdLevelClassification({
levelTwoClassificationID: data.levelTwoClassification
var result = => {
return {
text: item.LevelThreeClassificationName,
value: item.LevelThreeClassificationID
return result
layout: 12
TerminalProducts: {
label: '终端产品',
type: 'select',
layout: 12
ProductsType: {
label: '产品型号',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
PCS: {
label: '年用量预估(PCS)',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
ProductIntroduction: {
label: '项目介绍',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
ExpectStartTime: {
label: '预计启动时间',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
ExpectCompletionTime: {
label: '预计完成时间',
type: 'date',
attrs: {
type: 'year'
layout: 12
Note: {
label: '备注',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
export default {
<BusinessTable v-bind="constant" />
import constant from './constant'
export default {
data() {
return {
constant: {}
created() {
// 设置表单的初始搜索条件,该条件一般不会发生改变
constant.tableConfig.initialParams = {
objectID: this.$route.query.objectID,
projectType: '101'
this.constant = constant
<div class="tab-container">
<el-tabs type="border-card">
<ProductProjectTable />
<ResearchProjectTable />
import ProductProjectTable from './product-table'
import ResearchProjectTable from './research-table'
export default {
components: {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.tab-container {
padding: 20px;
background: #fff;
import dictionary from '@/api/dictionary'
import { industry, fetchFirstLevelClassification, fetchSecondLevelClassification, fetchThirdLevelClassification } from '@/api/customers'
const tableConfig = {
tableTitle: '商机信息',
url: industry.searchUrl,
defaultColumns: {
minWidth: 120,
showOverflowTooltip: true,
align: 'center'
columns: {
Name: {
label: '商机名称'
levelOneClassification: {
label: '一级分类'
levelTwoClassification: {
label: '二级分类'
levelThreeClassification: {
label: '三级分类'
MainProduct: {
label: '终端产品'
MainProduct1: {
label: '是否为重点项目'
MainBusinessSituation: {
label: '初始年用量预估(PCS)'
PCS: {
label: '项目介绍'
AnnualSales: {
label: '预计启动时间'
SalesArea: {
label: '预计完成时间'
MarketShare: {
label: '当前项目阶段'
Year: {
label: '项目状态'
Note: {
label: '项目类型'
Note2: {
label: '销售区域'
handle: {
label: '操作',
hideInFilter: true,
fixed: 'right',
renderItem: (h, scope, listeners) => {
return h(
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleEdit(scope.row, scope.$index)
props: {
type: 'text'
const formConfig = {
labelPosition: 'left',
submitBtnText: '保存',
formDesc: {
Name: {
type: 'input',
label: '商机名称',
required: true
levelOneClassification: {
type: 'select',
label: '一级分类',
isOptions: true,
options: async data => {
const res = await fetchFirstLevelClassification()
var result = => {
return {
text: item.LevelOneClassificationName,
value: item.LevelOneClassificationID
return result
layout: 12
levelTwoClassification: {
type: 'select',
label: '二级分类',
isOptions: true,
optionsLinkageFields: ['levelOneClassification'],
options: async data => {
if (!data.levelOneClassification) {
return []
const res = await fetchSecondLevelClassification({
levelOneClassificationID: data.levelOneClassification
var result = => {
return {
text: item.LevelTwoClassificationName,
value: item.LevelTwoClassificationID
return result
layout: 12
levelThreeClassification: {
type: 'select',
label: '三级分类',
isOptions: true,
optionsLinkageFields: ['levelOneClassification', 'levelTwoClassification'],
options: async data => {
if (!data.levelTwoClassification) {
return []
const res = await fetchThirdLevelClassification({
levelTwoClassificationID: data.levelTwoClassification
var result = => {
return {
text: item.LevelThreeClassificationName,
value: item.LevelThreeClassificationID
return result
layout: 12
MainProduct: {
label: '主要产品',
type: 'input',
value: 'Ext_CustomerStatus_KUTText',
layout: 12
MainBusinessSituation: {
label: '主要业务情况',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
PCS: {
label: '年销售量(PCS)',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
AnnualSales: {
label: '年销售额(万元)',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
SalesArea: {
label: '销售区域',
type: 'select',
options: dictionary.customerSalesArea,
layout: 12
MarketShare: {
label: '市场份额占比',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
Year: {
label: '年份',
type: 'input',
attrs: {
type: 'year'
layout: 12
Note: {
label: '备注',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
export default {
<BusinessTable v-bind="constant" />
import constant from './constant'
export default {
data() {
return {
constant: {}
created() {
// 设置表单的初始搜索条件,该条件一般不会发生改变
constant.tableConfig.initialParams = {
objectID: this.$route.query.objectID
this.constant = constant
import { contact } from '@/api/customers'
const tableConfig = {
tableTitle: '联系人信息',
url: contact.searchUrl,
defaultColumns: {
minWidth: 120,
showOverflowTooltip: true,
align: 'center'
columns: {
Ext_CustomerRole_KUT: {
label: '角色'
Name: {
label: '联系人名称'
JobTitle: {
label: '职位'
Ext_CustomerPhone_KUT: {
label: '电话'
Email: {
label: '电子邮箱'
Ext_CustomerMainContact_KUT: {
label: '是否主要联系人'
Ext_CustomerWeChat_KUT: {
label: '微信'
Ext_CustomerQQ_KUT: {
label: 'QQ'
Mobile: {
label: '手机'
Address: {
label: '地址'
Ext_CustomerNote_KUT: {
label: '备注'
handle: {
label: '操作',
hideInFilter: true,
fixed: 'right',
renderItem: (h, scope, listeners) => {
return h(
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleEdit(scope.row, scope.$index)
props: {
type: 'text'
const formConfig = {
labelPosition: 'left',
submitBtnText: '保存',
formDesc: {
Ext_CustomerRole_KUT: {
type: 'select',
label: '角色',
isOptions: true,
options: [
text: '选项1',
value: 1
text: '选项2',
value: 2
text: '选项3',
value: 3
layout: 12
Name: {
type: 'select',
label: '联系人名称',
isOptions: true,
options: [
text: '选项1',
value: 1
text: '选项2',
value: 2
text: '选项3',
value: 3
layout: 12
JobTitle: {
label: '职位',
type: 'select',
value: 'Ext_CustomerStatus_KUTText',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerPhone_KUT: {
label: '电话',
type: 'select',
layout: 12
Email: {
label: '电子邮箱',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerMainContact_KUT: {
label: '是否主要联系人',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerWeChat_KUT: {
label: '微信',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerQQ_KUT: {
label: 'QQ',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
Mobile: {
label: '手机',
type: 'date',
attrs: {
type: 'year'
layout: 12
Address: {
label: '地址',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerNote_KUT: {
label: '备注',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
export default {
<Title :title="title" />
<ContactTable />
<div class="submit-btn">
import Title from '@/components/Title'
import ContactTable from './table.vue'
import constant from './constant'
const tableTitle = constant.tableConfig.tableTitle
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
title: '创建企业客户-' + tableTitle
methods: {
handlePrev() {
this.$emit('changeComponent', 'addressInfo')
handleNext() {
this.$emit('changeComponent', 'fileInfo')
<style lang="scss" scoped>
<BusinessTable v-bind="constant" />
import constant from './constant'
export default {
data() {
return {
constant: {}
created() {
// 设置表单的初始搜索条件,该条件一般不会发生改变
constant.tableConfig.initialParams = {
objectID: this.$route.query.objectID
this.constant = constant
import dictionary from '@/api/dictionary'
import { industry, fetchFirstLevelClassification, fetchSecondLevelClassification, fetchThirdLevelClassification } from '@/api/customers'
const tableConfig = {
tableTitle: '合同信息',
url: industry.searchUrl,
defaultColumns: {
minWidth: 120,
showOverflowTooltip: true,
align: 'center'
columns: {
Name: {
label: '合同编码'
levelOneClassification: {
label: '合同名称'
levelTwoClassification: {
label: '客户名称'
levelThreeClassification: {
label: '状态'
MainProduct: {
label: '签署日期'
MainProduct1: {
label: '开始日期'
MainBusinessSituation: {
label: '结束日期'
PCS: {
label: '创建日期'
const formConfig = {
labelPosition: 'left',
submitBtnText: '保存',
formDesc: {
Name: {
type: 'input',
label: '商机名称',
required: true
levelOneClassification: {
type: 'select',
label: '一级分类',
isOptions: true,
options: async data => {
const res = await fetchFirstLevelClassification()
var result = => {
return {
text: item.LevelOneClassificationName,
value: item.LevelOneClassificationID
return result
layout: 12
levelTwoClassification: {
type: 'select',
label: '二级分类',
isOptions: true,
optionsLinkageFields: ['levelOneClassification'],
options: async data => {
if (!data.levelOneClassification) {
return []
const res = await fetchSecondLevelClassification({
levelOneClassificationID: data.levelOneClassification
var result = => {
return {
text: item.LevelTwoClassificationName,
value: item.LevelTwoClassificationID
return result
layout: 12
levelThreeClassification: {
type: 'select',
label: '三级分类',
isOptions: true,
optionsLinkageFields: ['levelOneClassification', 'levelTwoClassification'],
options: async data => {
if (!data.levelTwoClassification) {
return []
const res = await fetchThirdLevelClassification({
levelTwoClassificationID: data.levelTwoClassification
var result = => {
return {
text: item.LevelThreeClassificationName,
value: item.LevelThreeClassificationID
return result
layout: 12
MainProduct: {
label: '主要产品',
type: 'input',
value: 'Ext_CustomerStatus_KUTText',
layout: 12
MainBusinessSituation: {
label: '主要业务情况',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
PCS: {
label: '年销售量(PCS)',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
AnnualSales: {
label: '年销售额(万元)',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
SalesArea: {
label: '销售区域',
type: 'select',
options: dictionary.customerSalesArea,
layout: 12
MarketShare: {
label: '市场份额占比',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
Year: {
label: '年份',
type: 'input',
attrs: {
type: 'year'
layout: 12
Note: {
label: '备注',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
export default {
<BusinessTable v-bind="constant" />
import constant from './constant'
export default {
data() {
return {
constant: {}
created() {
// 设置表单的初始搜索条件,该条件一般不会发生改变
constant.tableConfig.initialParams = {
objectID: this.$route.query.objectID
this.constant = constant
import dictionary from '@/api/dictionary'
const formConfig = {
labelPosition: 'left',
isShowBackBtn: false,
isShowSubmitBtn: false,
rules: {
// Name: {
// trigger: 'blur',
// validator: function(rule, value, callback) {
// if (this.formData.Ext_CustomerIsRepeatability_KUT === true) {
// return callback(new Error('客户名称重复'))
// } else {
// return callback()
// }
// }
// }
formDesc: {
Ext_CustomerSocialUnifiedCreditCode_KUT: {
type: 'input',
label: '社会统一信用代码',
layout: 12,
required: true
Ext_CustomerListedCompanyCode_KUT: {
type: 'input',
label: '上市公司代码',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerCompanyName_KUT: {
type: 'radio',
label: '公司名称',
isOptions: true,
options: [
text: '是',
value: true
text: '否',
value: false
layout: 12,
default: true
Ext_CustomerRegisteredCapital_KUT: {
type: 'input',
label: '注册资本',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerRegistrationNumber_KUT: {
type: 'input',
label: '注册号',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerEnterprisesTypes_KUT: {
type: 'select',
label: '企业类型',
isOptions: true,
options: dictionary.countryCode,
attrs: {
filterable: true
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerRegistrationAuthority_KUT: {
type: 'select',
label: '登记机关',
isOptions: true,
options: dictionary.customerForm,
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerExperienceRange_KUT: {
type: 'select',
label: '经验范围',
isOptions: true,
options: dictionary.customerContinent,
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerCorporateName_KUT: {
type: 'select',
label: '法人名',
isOptions: true,
options: dictionary.customerType,
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerOpeningTime_KUT: {
type: 'select',
label: '营业开始日期',
isOptions: true,
options: [
text: '选项1',
value: 1
text: '选项2',
value: 2
text: '选项3',
value: 3
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerOldName_KUT: {
type: 'radio',
label: '曾用名',
isOptions: true,
options: [
text: '是',
value: true
text: '否',
value: false
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerClosingTime_KUT: {
type: 'input',
label: '营业结束日期',
attrs: {
autosizeType: 'switch',
autosize: false,
rows: 3
Ext_CustomerIncorporationDate_KUT: {
type: 'input',
label: '成立日期',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerLssuingLicenseDate_KUT: {
type: 'input',
label: '发照日期',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerRevocationDate_KUT: {
type: 'input',
label: '吊销日期',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerOrganizationStructureCode_KUT: {
type: 'input',
label: '组织机构代码',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerEnterpriseStatus_KUT: {
type: 'input',
label: '企业状态',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerIsListed_KUT: {
type: 'input',
label: '是否上市',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerProvince_KUT: {
type: 'input',
label: '省份',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerBeListedType_KUT: {
type: 'input',
label: '上市类型',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerUpdateDate_KUT: {
type: 'input',
label: '更新日期',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerEnterpriseScale_KUT: {
type: 'input',
label: '企业规模',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerLandline_KUT: {
type: 'input',
label: '座机',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerWebURL_KUT: {
type: 'input',
label: '官方地址',
layout: 12
Ext_CustomerEnterpriseIntroduction_KUT: {
type: 'textarea',
label: '企业介绍',
attrs: {
autosizeType: 'switch',
autosize: false,
rows: 3
export default {
<Title :title="title">
<div class="form-container">
<form-title :title="formTitle" />
<div class="submit-btn">
import Title from '@/components/Title'
import FormTitle from '@/components/FormTitle'
import constant from './constant.js'
// import { addPotentialCustomer } from '@/api/customers'
export default {
name: 'EnterpriseCustomersBaseInfo',
components: {
data() {
return {
title: '创建企业客户-基础信息',
formTitle: '基础信息',
loading: false,
formData: {},
formConfig: constant.formConfig
methods: {
handleRequest(data) {
return Promise.resolve()
handleRequestSuccess() {
async handleNext() {
await this.$refs.form.validate()
this.$emit('changeComponent', 'industryInfo')
// this.loading = true
// const formData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.formData))
// formData.RoleCode = 'BUP002'
// delete formData.key_btn
// addPotentialCustomer(formData).then(res => {
// console.log(res)
// this.loading = false
// this.$emit('changeComponent', 'industryInfo')
// })
handlePrev() {
this.$emit('changeComponent', 'fileInfo')
// import { file } from '@/api/customers'
const tableConfig = {
tableTitle: '附件信息',
url: '',
showPagination: false,
defaultColumns: {
minWidth: 120,
showOverflowTooltip: true,
align: 'center'
columns: {
Title: {
label: '标题'
TypeCode: {
label: '类型'
CreatedBy: {
label: '创建人'
CreatedOn: {
label: '创建时间'
Note: {
label: '备注'
URL: {
label: '附件'
handle: {
label: '操作',
hideInFilter: true,
fixed: 'right',
renderItem: (h, scope, listeners) => {
return h(
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleEdit(scope.row, scope.$index)
props: {
type: 'text'
const formConfig = {
labelPosition: 'left',
submitBtnText: '保存',
formDesc: {
Title: {
type: 'select',
label: '标题',
isOptions: true,
options: [
text: '选项1',
value: 1
text: '选项2',
value: 2
text: '选项3',
value: 3
layout: 12
TypeCode: {
type: 'select',
label: '类型',
isOptions: true,
options: [
text: '选项1',
value: 1
text: '选项2',
value: 2
text: '选项3',
value: 3
layout: 12
Note: {
label: '备注',
type: 'textarea'
URL: {
label: '附件',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
export default {
<Title :title="title" />
<FileTable />
<div class="submit-btn">
import Title from '@/components/Title'
import FileTable from './table.vue'
import constant from './constant'
const tableTitle = constant.tableConfig.tableTitle
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
title: '创建企业客户-' + tableTitle
created() {
this.tableListeners = {
handleEdit: this.handleEdit
methods: {
handlePrev() {
this.$emit('changeComponent', 'contactsInfo')
handleNext() {
this.$emit('changeComponent', 'enterpriseInfo')
<style lang="scss" scoped>
<BusinessTable v-bind="constant" />
import constant from './constant'
export default {
data() {
return {
constant: {}
created() {
// 设置表单的初始搜索条件,该条件一般不会发生改变
constant.tableConfig.initialParams = {
objectID: this.$route.query.objectID
this.constant = constant
import dictionary from '@/api/dictionary'
import { industry, fetchFirstLevelClassification, fetchSecondLevelClassification, fetchThirdLevelClassification } from '@/api/customers'
const tableConfig = {
tableTitle: '行业信息',
url: industry.searchUrl,
defaultColumns: {
minWidth: 120,
showOverflowTooltip: true,
align: 'center'
columns: {
levelOneClassification: {
label: '一级分类'
levelTwoClassification: {
label: '二级分类'
levelThreeClassification: {
label: '三级分类'
MainProduct: {
label: '主要产品'
MainBusinessSituation: {
label: '主要业务情况'
PCS: {
label: '年销售量(PCS)'
AnnualSales: {
label: '年销售额(万元)'
SalesArea: {
label: '销售区域'
MarketShare: {
label: '市场份额占比'
Year: {
label: '年份'
Note: {
label: '备注'
handle: {
label: '操作',
hideInFilter: true,
fixed: 'right',
renderItem: (h, scope, listeners) => {
return h(
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleEdit(scope.row, scope.$index)
props: {
type: 'text'
const formConfig = {
labelPosition: 'left',
submitBtnText: '保存',
formDesc: {
levelOneClassification: {
type: 'select',
label: '一级分类',
isOptions: true,
options: async data => {
const res = await fetchFirstLevelClassification()
var result = => {
return {
text: item.LevelOneClassificationName,
value: item.LevelOneClassificationID
return result
layout: 12
levelTwoClassification: {
type: 'select',
label: '二级分类',
isOptions: true,
optionsLinkageFields: ['levelOneClassification'],
options: async data => {
if (!data.levelOneClassification) {
return []
const res = await fetchSecondLevelClassification({
levelOneClassificationID: data.levelOneClassification
var result = => {
return {
text: item.LevelTwoClassificationName,
value: item.LevelTwoClassificationID
return result
layout: 12
levelThreeClassification: {
type: 'select',
label: '三级分类',
isOptions: true,
optionsLinkageFields: ['levelOneClassification', 'levelTwoClassification'],
options: async data => {
if (!data.levelTwoClassification) {
return []
const res = await fetchThirdLevelClassification({
levelTwoClassificationID: data.levelTwoClassification
var result = => {
return {
text: item.LevelThreeClassificationName,
value: item.LevelThreeClassificationID
return result
layout: 12
MainProduct: {
label: '主要产品',
type: 'input',
value: 'Ext_CustomerStatus_KUTText',
layout: 12
MainBusinessSituation: {
label: '主要业务情况',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
PCS: {
label: '年销售量(PCS)',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
AnnualSales: {
label: '年销售额(万元)',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
SalesArea: {
label: '销售区域',
type: 'select',
options: dictionary.customerSalesArea,
layout: 12
MarketShare: {
label: '市场份额占比',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
Year: {
label: '年份',
type: 'input',
attrs: {
type: 'year'
layout: 12
Note: {
label: '备注',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
export default {
<Title :title="title" />
<IndustryTable />
<div class="submit-btn">
import Title from '@/components/Title'
import IndustryTable from './table.vue'
import constant from './constant'
const tableTitle = constant.tableConfig.tableTitle
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
title: '创建企业客户-' + tableTitle
methods: {
handlePrev() {
this.$emit('changeComponent', 'baseInfo')
handleNext() {
this.$emit('changeComponent', 'marketInfo')
<style lang="scss" scoped>
<BusinessTable v-bind="constant" />
import constant from './constant'
export default {
data() {
return {
constant: {}
created() {
// 设置表单的初始搜索条件,该条件一般不会发生改变
constant.tableConfig.initialParams = {
objectID: this.$route.query.objectID
this.constant = constant
import { market } from '@/api/customers'
const tableConfig = {
tableTitle: '市场信息',
url: market.searchUrl,
showPagination: false,
defaultColumns: {
minWidth: 120,
showOverflowTooltip: true,
align: 'center'
columns: {
AnnualSales: {
label: '年销售额(万元)'
Year: {
label: '年份'
Note: {
label: '备注'
handle: {
label: '操作',
hideInFilter: true,
fixed: 'right',
renderItem: (h, scope, listeners) => {
return h(
on: {
click: (e) => listeners.handleEdit(scope.row, scope.$index)
props: {
type: 'text'
const formConfig = {
labelPosition: 'left',
submitBtnText: '保存',
formDesc: {
AnnualSales: {
type: 'input',
label: '年销售额(万元)',
layout: 12
Year: {
type: 'date',
label: '年份',
layout: 12,
attrs: {
type: 'year',
valueFormat: 'yyyy'
Note: {
label: '备注',
type: 'input',
layout: 12
export default {
<Title :title="title" />
<ProjectTable />
<div class="submit-btn">
import Title from '@/components/Title'
import ProjectTable from './table.vue'
import constant from './constant'
const tableTitle = constant.tableConfig.tableTitle
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
title: '创建企业客户-' + tableTitle
methods: {
handlePrev() {
this.$emit('changeComponent', 'industryInfo')
handleNext() {
this.$emit('changeComponent', 'addressInfo')
<style lang="scss" scoped>
<BusinessTable v-bind="constant" />
import constant from './constant'
export default {
data() {
return {
constant: {}
created() {
// 设置表单的初始搜索条件,该条件一般不会发生改变
constant.tableConfig.initialParams = {
objectID: this.$route.query.objectID
this.constant = constant
<BusinessTable v-bind="constant" />
import constant from './constant'
export default {
data() {
return {
constant: {}
created() {
// 设置表单的初始搜索条件,该条件一般不会发生改变
constant.tableConfig.initialParams = {
objectID: this.$route.query.objectID
this.constant = constant
// import dictionary from '@/api/dictionary'
import { industry } from '@/api/customers'
const tableConfig = {
tableTitle: '报价信息',
url: industry.searchUrl,
defaultColumns: {
minWidth: 120,
showOverflowTooltip: true,
align: 'center'
columns: {
Ext_QuoteOppotunity_KUT: {
label: '商机'
Ext_QuoteProductModel_KUT: {
label: '产品型号'
Ext_QuotePrice_KUTContent_KUT: {
label: '价格'
Ext_QuoteUnit_KUT: {
label: '单位'
Ext_QuoteMinimaleTransaktionsmenge_KUT: {
label: '最小交易数量'
Ext_QuotePrice_KUTcurrencyCode_KUT: {
label: '币别'
Ext_QuoteIsTax_KUT: {
label: '是否含税'
Ext_QuoteTax_KUT: {
label: '税率'
Ext_QuoteStatus_KUT: {
label: '状态'
EmployeeResponsiblePartyID: {
label: '报价人'
ValidFromDate: {
label: '有效开始时间'
ValidToDate: {
label: '有效截止时间'
CreationDateTime: {
label: '创建时间'
export default {
<BusinessTable v-bind="constant" />
import constant from './constant'
export default {
data() {
return {
constant: {}
created() {
// 设置表单的初始搜索条件,该条件一般不会发生改变
constant.tableConfig.initialParams = {
objectID: this.$route.query.objectID
this.constant = constant
import { followRecord } from '@/api/customers'
const tableConfig = {
tableTitle: '跟进记录',
url: followRecord.searchUrl,
defaultColumns: {
minWidth: 120,
showOverflowTooltip: true,
align: 'center'
columns: {
FollowUPRecordPerson: {
label: '跟进人'
FollowUPRecord: {
label: '跟进记录'
CreateOn: {
label: '创建时间'
const formConfig = {
labelPosition: 'left',
submitBtnText: '保存',
span: 22,
formDesc: {
FollowUPRecord: {
type: 'textarea',
label: '跟进记录',
layout: 24
export default {
<BusinessTable v-bind="constant" />
import constant from './constant'
export default {
data() {
return {
constant: {}
created() {
// 设置表单的初始搜索条件,该条件一般不会发生改变
constant.tableConfig.initialParams = {
objectID: this.$route.query.objectID
this.constant = constant
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